"Complete end to end accounting solutions and assistance for commercial enterprises. "

Business in the Hawkes Bay is unique. We understand these challenges and the opportunities that can be created through sustainable strategic planning to ensure your business growth targets are met - and exceeded. 

We have amassed a wealth of knowledge in dealing with large commercial enterprises throughout New Zealand, and have helped shaped some of Hawkes Bay's strongest businesses.  

  • +Commercial - Business Support Specialities

    • Budgets, rolling forecasts, cash flow preparation and periodic reporting.
    • GST / PAYE / FBT / ACC  – return preparation and support transactional queries and assistance, specialist tax and compliance advice.
    • Administration support services. Paying monthly accounts, invoicing customers, banking income and reconciling debtor ledgers.
    • Transactional matters, capital expenditure and restructuring decisions - contract negotiation & evaluation, finance sourcing and negotiation, cost benefit analysis for asset acquisition or disposal.
    • The preparation and presentation of End of Year Financial statements.
    •  Preparation of full-scale annual reports including management commentary, trend and comparative analysis, graphically illustrated outcomes.
    • Tax consultancy & specialist tax services - providing tax health checks & exposure reviews, dealing with international tax matters, working with transactional and contractual tax issues, specialist tax minimisation and structure based advice.
    • Developing strategic plans, business plans, competitive advantage strategies – implementation, management and monitoring support.
    • Benchmarking, competitor and comparative analysis. Key Performance Indicator development, management and reporting.
    • Company legislative and administrative requirements.
    • Tax Disputes - addressing payment and/or return error issues, assisting with IRD enquiries, audits or investigations 
    • Business health-checks, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis and strategy alignment. Risk analysis and running what-if scenarios to evaluate your capacity for cash flow and overall financial risk. Project analysis and capital Expenditure cost benefit and payback analysis.
    • Customised virtual CFO and/or board/management team advisory services, business mentoring and coaching.
    • Business Structure evaluation – assessing structuring options. Evaluating, functionality, flexibility, asset protection, and tax efficiency. Future proofing the business structure(s).
    • Buying a business – due diligence, value assessment and negotiation, financing and structuring.
    • Preparing a business for sale – building a strategy, financially presenting the business for sale, marketing its strengths, valuing the business and negotiating a sale. Succession planning and inter-generational business transitions. Grooming internal or external successors to takeover.
    • Accounting and business software support - Selecting and sourcing the right software, providing training and support, business software integration, add-on software implementation and support.
    • Technology support and Education – on-site tutorial sessions, technology integration and purchase recommendations, hardware set-up, general software installs and upgrades, back-ups, network management, security installation and upgrades, and general I.T. support from a specialist team.
    • I.T. remote access support over the internet - securely accessing your computer to provide a wide range of support services, fixes, upgrades, and all forms of general I.T. assistance.